Fado concert by Jonaschoreographed by Jonas & LanderNaVALhaThe rescue of the Fado dance
The RESGATE (rescue) of the Fado dance is a project by Sinistra CulturalAssociation, Jonas&Lander's Production House, which aims to rescue theFado dance, mysteriously extinguished in the early twentieth century. Thedance was called “Fado Batido”, a name that comes from the act oftapping with the foot on the floor to the sound of Fado, described as afierce, shameless, erotic and lascivious dance, danced by the lowerclasses of society (in the existing records).In 2021, Jonas&Lander premiere the show BATE FADO, the first steptowards the rescue of Fado Batido through a choreographicreinterpretation of the 2 authors in close relationship with their artisticlanguage. In the same year, Jonas releases his first album as asinger-songwriter and fadista, called SÃO JORGE.In 2023, after BATE FADO was critically acclaimed* and after national andinternational presentations, Jonas&Lander propose a new set of activitiesto develop this new dance: to start an intensive training of Fado dancers,to take place in Lisbon in the 1st semester, and the integration of the FadoBatido dance in Jonas' new record project, NAVALHA (provisional name).
* Voted best show of 2021 by Expresso and Público newspapers.
After attempting to choreograph his first album SÃO JORGE for liveconcerts, Jonas felt the need to create a new project conceived fromscratch to be danced to. NAVALHA is a record with themes composed bythe singer-songwriter and very connected with the research of the Fadodances. A record designed to reinvite interpreters and audiences todance/tap Fado, with musical compositions that highlight the LatinAmerican, African, Brazilian and Portuguese folklore influences, sopresent in the nature of Fado. The lyrics bring us dance, a dance thatbegins in Fado and transcends into the very natural movement of lifepresent in every moment of our daily lives.NAVALHA is an album edited by Valentim de Carvalho, with lyrics by Jonas,arrangements by Jorge Fernando, choreography by Jonas&Lander,production by Associação Cultural Sinistra and agency by Nação Valente.