BATE FADO - cała prawda o fado! Historia zapomnianego tańca.
Obecna forma muzyki fado, to efekt wieloletniej dyktatury w Portugalii, która doprowadziła do transformacji nierozerwalnie związanej z tańcem radosnej, frywolnej, niemal erotycznej muzyki nizin w sztukę dramatyczną, prawie "świętą". I oczywiście pozbawioną tańca. Pomysłodawcy spektaklu: dwóch popularnych i utalentowanych performerów i choreografów Jonas i Lander postanowili cofnąć się do końca XIX wieku i pokazać pierwotne oblicze fado. Może nawet ich przedstawienie będzie pierwszym krokiem do przywrócenia tańca muzyce, wszak niejedna fadistka w czasie swoich koncertów nie potrafi się od tańca powstrzymać.
9 osób na scenie. Muzycy. Tancerze. Fadista. Zabierają nas w wyjątkową podróż po kulturze portugalskiej opowiadając wszystkimi środkami wyrazu historię fado. Po sukcesach w Portugalii, w przeddzień występów w Petersburgu i Niemczech, Bate Fado zawitało do Polski. Gwarantujemy, że będzie to wydarzenie wyjątkowe i na długo zapadające w pamięci wszystkich wielbicieli Portugalii, dźwięków gitary portugalskiej, śpiewu Amalii Rodrigues czy Marizy. Zapraszamy do współpracy.
Fot. Jose Caldeira
Więcej informacji w pliku poniżej:
Bate Fado - Jonas&Lander-EN.pdf
Jonas Lopes (Portugal, 1986)
In 2002 he began his artistic formation at the Chapitô. During the course he was awarded an artistic residency of musical composition in Italy and did a professional internship in Teatro São Luiz as an interpreter in the play "Cabeças no Ar". In 2007 he moves to London where he attends free training at Pineapple Dance Studios and Circus Space University. Curiously he started his career as a professional Fadista in London. In 2011 he edits the album "Fado Mutante" distinguished with the prize Carlos Paredes 2012. In 2010 he integrates in Escola Superior de Dança where he meets his partner Lander Patrick. The two begin a professional duo as co-creators that remains to this day. Their repertoire includes the pieces Cascas d'OvO (2013), Matilda Cartola (2014), Arrastão (2015) and Adorabilis (2017). The duo also directed the community projects "Playback" in the festival Materiais Diversos 2013, as well as the play "Caruma" (2014) proposed by Estufa -Plataforma Cultural. Jonas also participated in the projects Dancing with the Difference and in the creative laboratory of ACCCA - Companhia Clara Andermatt (2013), where the solo "Jacarandá" was subsequently presented in Festival Todos (2014). Still in 2013 he works with the choreographer Tiago Guedes in the play "Hoje"; in 2014 he participates in the project "Hortas" by Vera Mantero with a presentation at Culturgest and in 2016 he enters the play "Gala" by Jérôme Bel.
Lander Patrick (Brasil, 1989)
Lander Patrick has suffered from chronic asthma since moving from Brazil to Portugal in 1989, the year he was born. He played volleyball to ward off the disease, but eventually graduated in dance. Lander has worked around the world with people he admires, such as Luís Guerra, Tomaz Simatovic, Marlene Monteiro Freitas, Alejandro Ahmed, Margarida Bettencourt, and Jonas Lopes, among others. After winning two awards in choreography - 1st prize at the Koreografskih Minijatura Festival (Serbia) for Noodles Never Break When Boiled and 2nd prize at the No Ballet International Choreography Competition (Germany) for Cascas d’OvO ("Eggshells") – he found the motivation to work in the field of choreographic creation rather than at a call centre. Cascas d’OvO was selected for Aerowaves Priority Company 2014 and his work has been presented in Portugal, Italy, Sweden, USA, Germany, Brazil, France, England, Spain, Serbia, Poland, Switzerland, etc. He lives in Lisbon in a camper van with his love and believes that vegetarianism will contribute to the prolonged existence of the planet.