Muzyka Karyny jest jak jej rodzina - multikulturowa. Ojciec pochodzi z Gwinei Bissau, matka z Cabo Verde. Karyna jest jak jej muzyka - też multikulturowa. Urodziła się w Bissau, ale mieszkała już w rożnych częściach świata, skąd czerpie inspiracje. Na obu albumach (Mindjer i N'Na) słychać wpływy miejsc, które artystkę ukształtowały. Ze wszystkich stron świata. Są więc klimaty afrykańskie, latynoskie i europejskie. Wszystkie podane w subtelnym, delikatnym na ogół sosie urban music. Muzyka trudna do sklasyfikowania, nieprzewidywalna, zagrana i zaśpiewana na najwyższym poziomie - po prostu znakomita. Jak mówi sama kompozytorka, o ile na pierwszym albumie chciała pokazać więcej elementów tradycyjnych, związanych z wpływami, jakim ulegała jako artystka, to druga płyta jest bardziej taneczna, wzbogacona delikatną elektroniką. Perełką na "N'Na" jest też niewątpliwie autorska wersja Karyny utworu "Summertime" Gershwina... Oj warto !
Na scenie wokalistce towarzyszy czterech muzyków, których akompaniament z wraz głosem Karyny przenosi nas w oka mgnieniu do tajemniczych krain świata, gdzie możemy dotrzeć tylko w ten sposób. Zapraszamy w tę podróż wszystkich zainteresowanych organizacją koncertów divy pop, dancehall, african, urban, jazz, world music. Prosimy o kontakt.
Karyna Gomes is asinger and composer, daughter of a Bissau Guinean Father and a Cape Verdeanmother. Karyna was born in Bissau, a small city in the West Coast of Africawhere she grew up listening to traditional and urban music and rhythms from thefour corners of the world.She considers hermusicality to be rooted and influenced by the backyard gatherings that werevery typical from the mixed-race society of the tropics and the Southhemisphere and also her experience living in three continents - Africa, LatinAmerica and Europe.She started her careeras a gospel singer with the group " Rejoicing Mass choir" in SãoPaulo, Brazil, where she lived for 5 years. After returning to her Homeland,she was invited by Adriano Ferreira (Atchutchi), to be part of the historicaland revolutionary band "Super Mama Djombo". In 2011 she decided tomove to Portugal to pursue her dream, leaving behind a career in"Communication for Development".In 2014 shereleased her first Album "Mindjer" (Get! Records 2014), highly acclaimedby national and international critics. She won two awards for best singer inher country in 2014. In 2015 she wasselected to be part of a showcase at the "Atlantic Music Expo" and in2016 for the reputable market "Visa for Music" in Rabat which culminatedin her being invited to take part in several festivals and events in Africa andEurope.To some extent thepress believes Karyna to be an Urban singer " The soul of GuineaBissau" (in Jornal de letras Nov.14), “The Urban Guinean voice” (In públicoNov.14) and her debut album was considered as one of the top 10 best Albumsedited in Portugal in 2014 by Blitz magazine. There are also some who considerher a pop singer but Karyna prefers not to use labels to describe her musicgenre." I am anUrban singer who also has a traditional root like most African singers. What Ising is exactly that, my music from Guinea-Bissau." Karyna Gomes in DN, 24th July 2016Among thecountless festivals she performed in, the ones that stand out are the"Africa Fest" in Germany, the oldest African music stage in Europe,that landed her a spot in the top 10 best singers from the PALOPS that had themost success in Europe, by Deutche Wella. She also performed at the Sauti ZaBusara Festival in Zanzibar – one of the biggest music festivals in Africa. Shewas highly praised by the Baltic public at the "Siesta festival" inGdansk City in Poland and at the "Porta festival" in Latvia. InPortugal she performed in numerous festivals renowned internationally such asMED and FMM Sines, among others. 2021 will be aremarkable year for her as she works on her second Album bringing a rathercontemporary sound that promises to shake the African and European music scene.
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KARYNA GOMES Releases the album entitled “N'NA”
"N'na" is Karyna’s second album of original songs as released by Kavi Music and succeeds to her 2014 released album "Mindjer" The album “N’na” released last September 24, 2021, has a very special fact on the artist, as it is linked to her origins and roots, the day that marks the independence of her homeland Guinea-Bissau. The artist describes the album as following; "N'na" is a record where I reveal both my pop and electronic music influences. I escaped from the sounds I used and show a more danceable side, with my faith and freedom. The roots of the traditional music are and will always be presentin my songs, but it gained a new modern touch through the rhythms "Afro-pop" and "dancehall”. I believe that the Creole language as spoken in my homeland Guinea-Bissau, gains different forms to a musical approach and that it will not only be used in local urban traditional rhythms. I believe that there is a place in the international music market from such produced music, and not only in the market of "world music" or the songs labelled as "exotic", but we can also contribute in a rhythmic and melodious way -enhanced by the phonetics of our language –in Pop, Jazz music and wherever. Our homeland is our language or our languages. In my case, I share several countries due to the fact that also I started singing in the Portuguese language, as well as in Creole. We are a legion of pop artists from Guinea-Bissau and we are gradually gaining ground in the Portuguese-speaking world of music as well as worldwide. N'na -the name for mother in the Mandinga language -contributes to this movement that seeks more openness in the universe of global music, as well as enjoying a certain status in the matrix that Africa is. Electronic elements that, together with an aesthetic that is characteristic to us, are our linguistic and philosophical roots and our fingerprint in this sonic crowd. N'na it the mother, it's love, it's salt, it's light, it's fresh, it's whatever you want... "Karyna Gomes -Torres Vedras, July 2021
N'Na was conceived and composed at home, in her small studio. Recorded and produced between Torres Vedras, Mozambique, Atlântico Blue Studios and Panela Records.