Mbye Ebrima, znany także jako Książę Gambii to mistrz instrumentu kora odwołujący się w swojej twórczości do dawnych tradycji "opowiadaczy", którzy przemierzali afrykański interior w poszukiwaniu poklasku czy zarobku. Wiele historii z odległych czasów przetrwało dzięki temu. Ebrima mieszka obecnie w Lizbonie, bierze udział w wielu projektach muzycznych, ale koncentruje się przede wszystkim na nagraniu własnych albumów. Koncertuje przede wszystkim w trio lub kwartecie. Zapraszamy do współpracy i kontaktu w sprawie organizacji koncertów artysty w naszym kraju.
Mbye Ebrima, mandinka, kora player, composer, singer and oral story teller, was born in Jarra Soma,in Gambia, in 1988, in a djéli family, kora players and renowned connoisseurs and disseminators of mandiga-kaabunké oral history for many generations. His entrance in Europe took place with a tour for three countries (Germany, Austria andSwitzerland) and 47 cities with the Mother Africa Circus Company. In 2015, he took up residence in Portugal, where he currently resides and works as a musician. In his musical career, Ebrima played in the most diverse stages, festivals and shows (Coliseu doPorto, Portugal; ZIFF Festival, Tanzania; VII Noia Harp Fest, Galicia; World in Harmony, Portugal )and collaborated with several artists such as Selma Uamusse, Moullinex, Remna, Eneida Marta, Kimi Djabaté, Marta Miranda, among others .
Currently Ebrima is recording two albums for his projects with the band and solo, exploring genres that range from world music and world fusion to blues and Mandinka traditional music.
Additional information about venues:
FESTIVALS Kanilai International Festival (Gâmbia), Open Mic Festival (Gâmbia), Karibu International Festival (Tanzania), ZIFF Festival (Tanzania), Festival O Mundo Aqui(Ponta Delgada), Encontros (Barreiro), Música do Mundo (Seixal), Festival Mixtura (Lisboa), Encontro de Cultura (Serpa), Gaia Todo um Mundo (Vila Nova de Gaia), Nos Ciquenta Banda (Porto), Festival OITO24 (Espinho), Devesa Sunset (Famalicão), VII Noia Harp Fest (Galicia), Festa do Avante (Seixal) among others.
STAGES B.Leza, JJ Laginha ISCTE-IUL Auditorium, Espinho Auditorium, Maus Hábitos in Porto, Salão Brasil in Coimbra, Musibéria in Serpa, Coliseu do Porto (with Kimi Djabaté), Cineteatro António Lamoso in Santa Maria da Feira, Mira Forum (Porto),Centro Cultural de Belém (with Selma Uamusse) among others.
Links of features:
Selma Uamusse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5BIuJ5Vszw
Moullinex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WePlCxKC8U8
RTP 1 – Recorded concert at B.leza https://www.rtp.pt/programa/tv/p32992
Jornal de Notícias https://www.jn.pt/artes/mbye-ebrima-ao-vivo-na-redacao-do-jn-8557253.html
Radio France Internationale https://www.rfi.fr/pt/áfrica/20200216-lisboa-vibra-em-b-leza-com-projeto-luso-mandinga-de-mbye-ebrima